Here’s How You Can Spend 4 Days in Chiang Mai

From the bustle of Bangkok to the holiday fever of Pattaya, every city in Thailand is bursting with personality. But for the ancient city of Chiang Mai, the charm lies in its laid-back atmosphere. This growing backpacker destination is scenic and peaceful, without ever being boring. Here’s what you can do with 4 Days in Chiang Mai.

Day 1: Play with the Elephants

Visit the Karen Village Elephant Jungle Sanctuary

For the Thai, the elephant carries immense cultural significance—from the ancient kings of Siam who rode them into battle, to common folk hauling materials to build temples. And if you only have a day in Thailand, spend it with these gentle giants in their natural habitat, deep in Thailand’s mountain region.

Chiang Mai: Karen Village Elephant Sanctuary
Spend a day with Thailand’s gentle giants

Change out of your day clothes into traditional Karen attire and get a quick lesson on elephant history, behavior, and Chiang Mai’s elephant preservation efforts. You won’t be riding the elephants or see them perform along the town streets. Instead, you’ll feed them bananas and sugarcane, while you have traditional Thai food lunch for yourself.

Chiang Mai: Karen Village Elephant Sanctuary
The elephants can become especially playful in the water!

Go down and join the elephants by the river where you can bathe and brush them. After the river, they’ll lead you to a therapeutic mud spa, where the baby elephants become especially playful! Snap a picture with your new animal friends before saying good-bye, as you end your day with a scenic drive back to your hotel.

Day 2: Nature Calls

Explore Doi Inthanon National Park

Get up early and make the most of the day when you visit Doi Inthanon National Park, part of the Himalayan mountain range and an incredible expanse of Thailand’s most stunning natural attractions. d

As you hike along the trails, the next thing you’ll hear are the Wachirathan Waterfalls, crashing from heights of up to 80 meters.

Chiang Mai: Doi Inthanon Waterfalls
One of the park’s grandest waterfalls, Watchirathan Waterfall

You’ll also notice the birds, which you’ll hear before you see. The lush mountain landscapes make the park one of the best bird watching sites in the country.

Chaing Mai: Doi Inthanon Bird Watching
Doi Inthanon National Park is home to many exotic species of birds.

Be sure you’ve packed a jacket before making your way to the peak of Doi Inthanon, where temperatures drop to as low as 10 degrees Celsius. At 2565 meters, you’ll overlook all of Thailand and beyond.

Chiang Mai: Mt. Doi Inthanon
The peak of Mt. Doi Inthanon is the highest point in all of Thailand.

Day 3: An Old New City

Pay your respects at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

While Chiang Mai translates to ‘New City,’ the former seat of the Lanna kingdom is steeped in over 700 years of history. The most prominent sign of this is Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, one of Thailand’s oldest and most sacred temples. To reach the wát, many Buddhist devotees climb the 306-step staircase, but you can opt to take an elevator lift for 20 baht.

Chiang Mai: Wat Phra That Doi Suthep
Visit one of Thailand’s most sacred temples.

The temple enshrines a bone fragment said to belong to Buddha himself, carried by sacred white elephant. Follow the walkway to the glimmering gold chedi that holds the relic, where you can leave lotus blossoms as an offering.

Visit Bhubing Palace

Not far from Doi Suthep is the Bhubing Palace, the Thai royal family’s summer home. Because of the cool mountain climate, Queen to raises a stunningly colourful garden filled with exotic flowers, especially roses.

Chiang Mai: Bhubing Palace
Enjoy the cool mountain air, colourful flowers, and music.

The late and well-loved Thai King—who was also a saxophonist and inventor—left his own imprint in the gardens: the musical water fountain plays his compositions.

Watch a Khantoke Show at Old Chiang Mai Cultural Center

Chaing Mai: Khantoke Show
You won’t have time to talk over dinner, as you’ll be amazed at the performance.

End the day with a Khantoke Dinner, the northern Thai way of eating—seated on a floor mat at a low table with the food served on large platters. As you eat, enjoy a traditional dance performance. The shows include the Fon Lep (‘Finger Dancing’), Fon Thean (‘Candle Dancing’) and Ram Dab (‘Sword Dancing).

Day 4: Do as the locals do

Take a Thai Cooking Class

Chaing Mai: Mama Noi's Cooking Class
Impress your friends back home with your homemade pad thai!

On your last day in Chiang Mai, find ways to bring a bit of it home with you. You’ll start by selecting ingredients from the local market. With the help of the chefs, you’ll be able to prepare green curry, pad thai, and the sweet, sticky rice with mango.

Bargain Hunting at the Marketplace

End your trip with a leisurely trip to any of Chiang Mai’s marketplaces as you haggle your way to the perfect outfit, jewelry piece, or souvenirs to bring home.

Chiang Mai: Sunday Market
Find a great souvenir from the market to remember this trip

Check out the Night Bazaar, open seven days a week, that has all your shopping desires as well as live music and traditional Thai dancers. If you’re in for the weekend, visit Saturday & Sunday Night Walking Street, which is filled with artisan items, local handicrafts, and unique clothing. Our advice? Purchase a handmade elephant pendant to wear as a small, happy reminder of your trip.



4 Places You Can Enjoy Without Queues This June Holidays [GSS Flash Sale 2]

Whether you’re an nature lover, thrill seeker or solo traveller, a lot of people avoid travelling during June as it’s the peak season in many places due to school holidays. But what if there’s a way for you to avoid the queues and have a good time – all of these while allowing you to enjoy discounts with the ongoing Great Singapore Sales?

We hear you! 

From now till 14 June 2016, on top of allowing you to skip the queues with pre-ordered tickets, KKday is having a FLASH SALE, giving you up to 35% off selected travel experiences. Don’t restrict yourself – let your hair down this June holidays, these are five places that you skip the queues for more hours of fun!

1. Seoul Dynamic Maze

The Seoul Dynamic Maze is filled with entertainment for families and friends
The Seoul Dynamic Maze

Forget the escape rooms in Singapore – nothing makes or breaks your friendship like these 15 stages designed for your besties and you to solve Obstacles get more challenging as you move on to the next stage and there is even a button for you to press in case you get a panic attack!

On a typical day, queues can go up to an hour. You may choose to write down your number to receive a call when your room is ready before shopping in the areas nearby. Alternatively, save yourself the trouble by purchasing discounted tickets online beforehand.

>> Seoul Dynamic Maze tickets

2. Paragliding in Hualien

Paragliding in Hualien
Paragliding in Hualien

Fall in love with Mother Nature all over again when you soar into the skies and revel in the beautiful skyline of Taiwan. Although not recommended for people with acrophobia for obvious reasons, this is a exceptional way of challenging yourself and overcoming your fears, giving you an gripping story to tell the next time someone asks for the greatest thing you’ve ever done!

Tip: As the activity is held in an ulu place, it’s best if you book your tickets online for the added benefit of free shutter bus services, plus you get 35% off your paragliding experience!

>> Paragliding Experience in Hualien

3. Dragon Flight Zipline in Chiang Mai

Get in touch with nature through ziplining in Chiang Mai
Ziplining in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Busy adventurers who can only afford the weekend off, don’t fret! You can still have the time of your life with an adventure near to our little island. Located 1300 meters above sea level, bask in picturesque views of beautiful rainforests and mountains on Dragon Flight, making this a perfect place to learn about nature or even bond with your friends.

Avoid any disappointment by booking and confirming your slots beforehand so that you don’t waste your precious weekends!

>> Dragon Flight Zipline 1 Day Adventure

4. Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland is the top traveling experience anyone can ever get
Hong Kong Disneyland

Whether you’re travelling as a family or with your friends, Disney movies hold a special place in everyone’s heart; you can never be too old or too young for Disneyland! End off your magical experience with Paint the Night, a nighttime spectacular parade, and finally, watch the fireworks while being surrounded by the people you love. We guarantee that you won’t forget this experience!

With the opening of Shanghai Disneyland, the queues at Hong Kong Disneyland are expected to die down but why stand in the scotching summer heat when you can easily get your hands on the tickets at the comfort of your own home at a discounted rate? 

>> Hong Kong Disneyland tickets

How to enjoy the discount?

Enter KKDAYGSS2 before checkout to enjoy 35% off selected activities and
KKDAYWEEKEND10 for selected weekend getaway activities. Keep checking back the whole of June because we promise you the deals can only get sweeter!

Now this is how you participate in GSS without being part of the snaking long queues!

>> Click here to find your favourite travel experience today.

Terms & Conditions

GSS Flash Sale 2:

– Enter KKDAYGSS2 prior to checkout to enjoy 35% OFF selected activities.
– Coupon Code is only valid for purchase though
– Valid for purchase with a minimum spending of US$35.
– Promotion is valid from 8 June – 14 June 2016.
– Booking must be made between 8 June – 14 June 2016.
– Travel experiences must be completed between 8 June – 30 September 2016.
– Coupon Code is valid for one-time use only.
– If the booking is cancelled, the coupon code will no longer be valid for use.
– Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts, packages purchased or vouchers redemption.
– KKday reserved the rights to stop this coupon code to be used on certain travel experiences without prior notice.
– If there are any questions/issues, you can contact us at

GSS weekend getaway sale:

– Enter KKDAYWEEKEND10 prior to checkout to enjoy 10% OFF selected activities.
– Coupon Code is only valid for purchase though
– Promotion is valid from 8 June – 30 June 2016.
– Booking must be made between 8 June – 30 June 2016.
– Travel experiences must be completed between 8 June – 30 September 2016.
– Coupon Code is valid for one-time use only.
– If the booking is cancelled, the coupon code will no longer be valid for use.
– Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts, packages purchased or vouchers redemption.
– KKday reserved the rights to stop this coupon code to be used on certain travel experiences without prior notice.
– If there are any questions/issues, you can contact us at

6 Reasons Backpackers Keep Returning to Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai, Thailand (Andrea Schaffer)

Bangkok and Pattaya are no longer the preferred destinations today — Chiang Mai, the second largest city in Thailand, has stepped up their game and gained more appeal in the recent years. It’s not hard to see why either! Chiang Mai is jam-packed with endless activities worthy of your bucket list and it’s not hard to see why this is a backpacker’s heaven.

1. The people

The friendly locals of Chiangmai (Aleksandr Zykov)

Most Thais in Chiang Mai are devoted Buddhists leading simple and slow-paced lives. Coming here, you’ll understand why people say “happiness is easy, it’s the people who make it difficult”. Locals here are always full of smiles and quick to warm up to tourists, especially backpackers. Now you know why Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles!

2. Scenic views

Chiang Mai, Thailand boasts scenic views (rusticus80)

Did you know that Doi Inthanon, one of the highest mountain in Chiang Mai, is part of the Himalayas? This explains the pleasant and comfortable climate, making it a great choice of escape from Singapore’s constant heat.

From zip-lining in the rainforest to white water rafting, there are many activities for the adventurer in you to partake in the lush greenery!

3. History and culture

Chiang Mai is rich with the Thai history and culture (Igor)

Although Chiang Mai literally means ‘new city’ in Thai, it is anything but! With over 700 years of history tracing back to the Lanna Kingdom, what makes Chiang Mai stand out from other modernised cities is its distinctive rich background mixed with local way of life, making it a perfect place for backpackers to distance themselves from technology and discover themselves.

4. Authentic local delights

Chiang Mai offers delicious street food (Dietrich Ayala)

Backpackers love the authentic street food in Chiang Mai – not only are they yummy yet affordable, they are comforting as well. One of the highly recommended must-eats is the Kao Soi Curry Noodles. A bowl of this goodness starts from 35 – 50 baht (~ SGD $1.40 – $2). What makes the dish so different is the crispy fried egg noodles served on top of the curry noodles.

5. Shopping

The bustling shopping scene at Chiang Mai’s night market (Fillipe Fortes)

For the shopaholic in you, or if you’re simply looking for a souvenir for your family, you’ll be relieved to find that just like Bangkok, Chiang Mai has many great shopping spots too. If you have limited time for shopping, at least visit two of Chiang Mai‘s weekend bazaars, opened on Saturday and Sunday respectively. At these places known for their handicrafts and local items, you will be able to find something with a added touch.

Chiang Mai Saturday Market is a great place to get handmade souvenirs and clothes. Located opposite the Chiang Mai gate, this market even has a street food market for you to fill your stomach after all the retail therapy.

Address: Wua Lai Rd, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand
Opening hours: 18:00 – 22:00 (opened only on Saturdays)

The Chiang Mai Sunday Market (Yuval Haimovits)

Chiang Mai Sunday Market, the more popular weekend bazaar of the two, showcases the many art and craftsmanship of Northern Thais from handmade home decors to jewelry and more. After all that shopping, rest your exhausted feet with Thai massages starting from only 60 baht (~SGD $2.40).

Address: Rachadamnoen Rd, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Opening hours: 18:00 – 23:00 PM (opened only on Sundays)

The Chiang Mai Sunday Market is no lack of shopping variety (Christian Haugen)

6. Join classes

Learn authentic Thai dishes through cooking classes in Chiang Mai (C&M Study Center Koh Phangan)

Travelling is the best time for you to learn! More than just finding more about yourself, there are a variety of lessons for you to learn in Chiang Mai. Cooking is one of more popular classes amongst backpackers. That way, you’ll be able to recreate your favourite Thai dishes for your family and friends when you return home.

Some of the classes we recommend are:
>> Thai Cooking School and Local Market and Farm
>> Baan Hongnual Cookery School
>> May Kaidee Vegetarian Thai Cooking School

There are many places in Chiang Mai waiting for you to discover. If you haven’t set foot in Chiang Mai, go let your wandering heart free. There’s no time better than now!

Planning Your 2017 Leave for Longer Weekends to Explore These 7 Places

Are the six long weekends in 2016 too little for you? Good news, there are SEVEN long weekends in 2017 and you can easily make that TEN with out guide. We have 7 destinations perfect for your weekend getaways! Plan your leave in advance and you’ll have no difficulty leaving Singapore for a short getaway.

Dates for your off and leaves in 2017 (The Straits Times)

Where should you go during your long weekend? Following the legend listed above, it’s easy to turn your seven long weekends into ten as long as you plan ahead! With this amount of weekends, there’s no reason for you to not explore the world!

After getting approval for your leave, it’s time to plan your destinations. Whether you’re thinking of Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong or even Taiwan, we have numerous tips for you!

South Korea

Bukchon Hanok Village

Due to Hallyu, better known as Korean Wave, taking over Singapore by storm, more Singaporeans are picking Korea as a travel destination. Of course, the popularity of South Korean television series, Descendants of the Sun, plays a part in this as well.

>> 4 places you can visit to relive Descendants of the Sun
>> 20 things you must do on your first trip to Seoul
>> Surviving Busan with your parents and kids


Bangkok City Skyline (Prachanart Viriyaraks)

Whether you want to shop till you drop or just relac one corner, Thailand is an ideal choice. Top-notch massage, delicious food, cheap shopping – Thailand has them all! If you’ve never been to Thailand, we recommend Bangkok, a common choice amongst Singaporeans. Otherwise, consider exploring other parts of Thailand like Chiangmai.

>> 10 things you must do on your first trip to Bangkok
>> 10 souvenirs to buy in Thailand
>> 5 reasons you should go for a spa in Thailand


Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan (Mark Kao)

If you love shopping and food but have more time on your hands, consider Taiwan over Thailand. Even better, go during winter to escape Singapore’s heat!

>> 8 things you must do in Taiwan
>> Here’s how you can view Milky Way in Taiwan
>> Watch sunrise on Hehuan Mountain

Hong Kong

Streets of Hong Kong as shown in HK Dramas

A foodie’s paradise, Hong Kong is another well received destination for Singaporeans due to its proximity and similarity to Singapore. Usually densely packed with foreigners, you won’t stand out even if you’re a solo traveller!

>> Guide to Hong Kong’s cha chaan teng
>> Guide to classic Hong Kong style dessert
>> Hidden wonders of Lautau Island


Sakura Flowers in Japan

If you’re thinking of making use of a five-day weekend to visit Japan, remember to avoid peak periods during school holidays or you won’t be able to properly enjoy your trip.

>> 10 tidbits you must buy in Japan
>> Send a postcard home from Japan
>> Discover rural Japan with chartered transport


Adventure at an affordable price, Vietnam is a backpacker’s dream come true. Take a break from the typical busy lives of Singaporeans and luxuriate in a slower pace of life in cities like Hanoi. Don’t know what to do in Vietnam?

>> Explore the culture and history of Hanoi
>> Experience unique mix of Chinese, Vietnamese and French cultures in Ho Chi Minh
>> Enjoy food and poetry at a local village in North Vietnam


Cute Dinosaurs in Malaysia

Ahhh, a typical choice for Singaporeans, Malaysia is both convenient and cheap since it’s just across the border. With the ringgit in our favour, there’s no better time to pay a visit to our neighbour!

>> Top 10 food you have to eat in Sabah
>> Visit the first Legoland theme park in Asia
>> Explore Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur’s countryside

On a tight budget?
>> Here are 7 places you can visit under SGD$500!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram (@kkdaysg) and use the hashtag #kkdaysg for a chance to be featured on our Instagram page!

7 Places to Bring Your Mom to This Mother’s Day

Hunter Valley Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Hunter Valley Gardens, Sydney, Australia (Flickr/ Wyncliffe)
Spoil your Mom this Mother’s Day with a getaway to show your love and appreciation! A well-deserved break is all she needs to recharge. KKday shows you where and what you can do with your dearest mom!

1.  Sydney, Australia

Wine Barrel in Hunter Valley (Flickr/ Wendy Harman)
If your Mom loves wine, Hunter’s Valley is the place to bring her to! Known for the best winery in the region, you can visit the vineyards, taste the different wines and soak in the atmosphere while you are there. What’s more, with autumn (March – May) being the best time to celebrate the year’s harvest, it’s a wonderful period to visit now!
Sydney Tower Buffet Meal
Sydney Tower Buffet Meal

Enjoy a spectacular 360° view of Sydney’s skyline from the top of Sydney Tower while feasting like a queen. Eat all you can with the wide spread of banquet-style dining and wide variety of cuisines offered such as Japanese and Italian.

>> Sydney Tower Buffet Meal

2. Chiang Mai, Thailand

Lila Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Lila Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Lila Thai Massage)
One of the best ways for Mom to unwind is to indulge in a relaxing Thai massage. There’s no better way to recharge than a massage and a pampering session in Thailand! Trust us on this: you can never go wrong with these 5 reasons why your mom and you will absolutely enjoy those Thai massages.
>> Lila Thai Massage

Chiang Mai Night Safari, Thailand
Chiang Mai Night Safari, Thailand

For mothers who are still young at heart, the night is equally young. Head to the world’s third nocturnal zoo in Chiang Mai and remember to catch the Laser Light Show while you are there!

>> Chiang Mai Night Safari

Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Embark on a one day trip to Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain in Thailand, also known as “The Roof of Thailand“. Expect to be rewarded with picturesque views of Mother Nature along the way! This is something nature-loving Moms can’t miss.

>> Chiang Mai National Park Doi Inthanon

3. Penang, Malaysia

The view from atop Penang Hill
The view from atop Penang Hill (Flickr/ shankar s)
Penang, nicknamed “Pearl of the Orient“, has a rich culture waiting for you and your mom to immerse in! Take a tour around Georgetown, a UNESCO World Heritage site, for a glimpse of the culture and the blend of cultural tapestry. Do not leave Penang without indulging in the scrumptious local delights! This is the prefect place to be for mothers who are history buffs.

>> Stroll in Penang Tropical and Spice Garden
>> Discover the Historical Part of Georgetown
>> Penang by Night

4. Bali, Indonesia

Jeda Villa, Pemuteran, Bali
Jeda Villa, Pemuteran, Bali (Flickr/ Bart Speelman)
There are more than just spas and beaches in Bali; if you want something out of the box this Mother’s Day, consider something unique instead of the usual activities that people visit Bali for! The Safari and Marine Park in Bali is an ideal and kids-friendly destination if there are kids tagging along on the trip. After which, enjoy your dinner while watching the sunset on board a cruise or catch the Devdan Show – a modern and contemporary acrobatic performance.

>> Bali Safari and Marine Park
>> Bali Hai Sunset Dinner Cruise
>> Devdan Show: Treasure of the Archipelago

5. Langkawi, Malaysia

Sunset at Langkawi, Malaysia
Sunset at Langkawi, Malaysia (Flickr/ i.gunawan)
If time is a concern and you can only afford a short getaway, Langkawi may just be the place for you and your Mom! Approximately 1hr 25mins away from our sunny island, Langkawi is a popular tropical attraction for many Singaporeans. There are plenty of activities to do for both the sporty and the chill mom! Attend a cooking class together or join a tour to uncover the highlights of Langkawi then end your day a sunset cruise.

>> Ambong Ambong Cooking Class
>> Highlights of Langkawi
>> Langkawi Sunset Cruise

6. Seoul, South Korea

Hanbok Parade at Insa-dong, Seoul, Korea
Hanbok Parade at Insa-dong, Seoul, Korea (Flickr/ Republic of Korea)

Does your Mom love watching Korean drama? Korean food? Korean cosmetics? If you find yourself nodding furiously, book tickets to the land of Kimchi with your mom now! There are many different mother-and-child bonding activities to do here!

Nightscape of Busan, Korea
Nightscape of Busan, Korea

You can hang out at shooting scenes of dramas like ‘My Love from the Star‘ or even take a tour on the Busan City Tour Bus which passes by many scenic spots. You’ll definitely have a whale of a time together!

>> One day Hanbok Experience
>> Korean Han-Nan spa
>> Hangang River Ferry Cruise
>> Busan City Tour Bus

7. Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand Flickr/ Evo Flash

Just 2 hour 30 mins away from Singapore, Bangkok is another ideal destination for a short getaway. The land of smiles is known for its hospitality plus it’s a shopping paradise! Make it a point to get some retail therapy at the malls and markets like the Platinum Fashion Mall before relaxing with a spa.

>> Divana Massage and SPA Packages

Afternoon Tea at the Intercontinental Hotel
Afternoon Tea at the Intercontinental Hotel

After which, fill your stomach with some afternoon tea or have dinner on a river cruise!

>> Afternoon Tea at the Intercontinental Hotel
>> Chao Princess River Cruise Dinner

There you have it, the 6 places you can bring your mom to this Mother’s Day! Don’t forget to snap pictures throughout your trip! Tag us and use the hashtag #kkdaysg for a chance to be featured on our Instagram page.

Giveaway for KKday followers

Show your love this Mother’s Day
Tell us your Mom’s favorite holiday destination and stand a chance to win S$65 discount vouchers from KKday! (5 winners)

How to participate
1. Tell us your Mom’s favorite holiday destination [Comment on either Facebook or Instagram]
2. Follow @kkdaysg on Instagram
3. Like our KKday Facebook Page to double your chances of winning

For more information, visit