6 Places to Check Out on Your Next Trip to Myanmar

With government reforms and lifting of international sanctions in 2012, Myanmar is quickly becoming Southeast Asia’s backpacker destination. With incredible natural landscapes and and ancient temples, visitors are enchanted with just one visit Here are 7 places not to be missed on your trip to Myanmar!

1. Shwedagon Pagoda at Yangon City

Photo credit: magical-world via Visualhunt.com / CC BY-SA

From the eight-meter high Sihasana Lion Throne where the last King of Burma sat, to the gleaming Sule Pagoda which sits right at the center of the city, to the National Museum, Yangon is the seat f Burmese history and culture, and should not be missed on your first trip to Myanmar.

With a unique mix of British colonial architecture, modern high-rise buildings, and gilded Buddhist pagodas, Yangon’s city skyline is truly a breathtaking sight. End the day by watching the sunset on the Shwedagon Pagoda, the country’s biggest and grandest pagoda, and its most sacred homage to Buddha. You can see the golden stupa of reflect the changing colors of the twilight.

Book a Yangon City Half Day Tour.

2. The Golden Rock on Mount Kyaiktiyo

Photo credit: dany13 via Visualhunt.com / CC BY

It’ll take a 45-minute pilgrimage up Mount Kyaiktiyo before reaching Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, or better known as Golden Rock. The famous Buddhist pilgrimage site sits at the very edge of the cliff, appearing to be a slight nudge away from rolling down into the city. Legend has it a single strand of Buddha’s hair is what keeps the Golden Rock in place.

3. Kyauk Kalap in Hpa-An

Photo credit: jasoneppink via Visual Hunt / CC BYr

Hpa-an is a peaceful and incredibly scenic village surrounded by caves and mountains. In the middle of a small artificial lake sits Kyauk Kalap, a small Buddhist monastery compound with one of the most unusual pagodas—it’s mounted on top of a tower of rocks. Or go underground by heading over to Saddan Cave, another geological wonder filled with countless Buddha statues and intricate clay carvings. Just make sure to watch out for the bats!

4. U-bein Bridge at Mandalay

Photo credit: Dan Lundberg via Visual hunt / CC BY-SA

At over a kilometer long, U-Bein bridge is the world’s longest teak footbridge and offers some truly incredible sites. During the summer, you can see the Mandalay rice fields from the top of the tall wooden poles. But all of it turns into a single lake once the rainy season begins, the water lapping just below the planks. Walk the bridge together with the monks and villagers, then take a back.

KKday recommends going on a full day tour Discovering Amarapura & Mandalay.

5. Inle Lake

Photo credit: Mark Fischer via Visualhunt.com / CC BY-SA

It’s difficult to say where the water finishes and the marshes begin. Inle Lake is a tranquil body of water which you appreciate either from the floating gardens, the markets on the shore, or the temples close by. Take the time as well to bird watch at the Inle Wetland Bird Sanctuary which is right by the lake, and is a government recognized sanctuary.

Book a Inle Lake Full Day Tour.

6. Bagan

Photo credit: M Tripper via Visualhunt / CC BY

With over 2 thousand temples and pagodas that stood mightily for hundred of years, Bagan could easily be one of the most photogenic plain in the world! Do spend a few days in Bagan and try to make every sunrise and sunset, as these are the times that are the most magical. Since you’ve probably in Myanmar to admire the magic it has to offer, do not rush it through!

With over 2 thousand temples and pagodas that are centuries old, Bagan is easily on of Myanmar’s greatest tourist attractions. The temple town spans around 70-square kilometers, with the Ayeyarwady River flowing on its northern and western sides. With wide and winding dirt roads, the best way to explore get up close to the temple town is by bicycle!

From the serenity of Inle Lake to the spectacle of Bagan’s temples, Myanmar is offers some of the best sights in Southeast Asia. So if you’re looking for a place to go backpacking, this should be it!

If you’re considering to extend your backpacking trips
>> 6 Reasons Backpackers Keep Returning To Chiang Mai

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